The Craziest Titanic Conspiracy Theories, Explained !

 All of us in the world must have heard about the Titanic and its story. But only a few of us know there is a other side to it.        

                       The titanic was owned by a famous capitalist and financer J.P. Morgan. He also owned another ship similar to titanic named Olympic which was old and weary. There is a weird and shocking theory that the ship which actually sunk was the Olympic not the titanic. There are several factors and incident that paved way for this theory. 


                       J.P. Morgan the owner of the ship along with his fellow business competitors were supposed to board the ship yet Morgan called off few minutes before the departure. None of his competitors made out alive after the ship sank.

                      There is also a thought that the olympic was painted as titanic and then set to sail for nothing but to sink so that Morgan would get the insurance money and that money must have been a really really huge sum.


                     There was survivor named James Fenton who has spent time working on the Titanic actually the Olympic. During his death bed his last words were "The titanic never sank!".Suprising right? He thought that if he said this information before something would happen to him.

 But there is a part which completely disagrees with this theory. When marine divers found the remains of the ship, The build number was matched to that of the Titanic not the Olympic. So did titanic actually sink or the numbers too had been changed . This has still been unanswered!


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